J.Ann Hyde is the co-owner and accountant for Hyde Drift Boats Inc. J.Ann started fishing seriously after the family was raised and has now became a very accomplished fly fisher woman. She has been a promoter of fishing to her children and grandchildren and they love to be with her. She has always had a great love for the outdoors and loves to be on the rivers of the world. She has accompanied her husband LaMoyne Hyde, who is her fishing buddy going fishing from southern Chile’s Palenta River to North Alaska on the Goodnews River. She has fished the Bahamas, Florida’s Keys and most rivers in between. If she gets the right fly tied on look out. She is the first to get in the boat and the last to leave.
She has always said you can’t catch a fish unless your fly is in the water. She loves the back of the boat as she says you can catch more fish from there and she is hard to prove wrong.
She is a true fisherwoman and is always ready to help others enjoy fishing as well.