Dana Lattery
Calgary, AB
In this industry we have lots of choices as guides and anglers, between drift boats, rods, reels, waders, boots, fly line, and the list goes on. The market in our industry in insanely competitive. I feel that far to often in our fast paced world we make so many choices based on the quickest – easiest – cheapest – fastest trends. I also know that the guide industry can be over saturated and our guests can get caught up in this trend as well. I have built my guide business based on a culture of serving our guests, of creating the ultimate experience that goes beyond just a day on the water. I too as a guide have the ability to choose amongst companies. I feel that choosing a company is a direct reflection of who my business is. I choose Hyde because of their family culture, because they care about serving their people in building the greatest drift boats on the market. I choose Hyde because they stand behind their boats 100%. I choose Hyde because they have set a standard that other Brand X’s will always try to imitate but will never be able to duplicate. Spending the amount of time that I do in a drift boat ever year, I have to make sure that it is easy to row, that It responds to my Oars, and most importantly that it is safe. Without these attributes, no one enjoys their day on the water, and because these are all attributes of Hyde, I choose Hyde!
Born in Alberta, raised in the back-country. Fishing, hunting, nature, the wild, all run thick in his blood.
Lattery’s passion for fishing and hunting was cultivated as a boy during the summer when he spent as many days as he could fishing local rivers and lakes, and during the many winters he spent hunting deep within the mountains, on 10 day horseback trips in search of trophy Big Horn Sheep. He can still remember the first day he tried fly fishing, he knew he had found a lifelong passion, and he dove head first into the sport, never picking up a spinning rod again. Although his desire to be outside grew stronger every year, Dana was forced to balance his time with his other passion, hockey. At the age of 15, fishing and hunting took a back seat, as he moved away from home to pursue his hockey dream.
Hockey moved him from Victoria, to Western Michigan University. Western Michigan University is where he graduated with a degree in Pre-Med and a minor in Psychology but his education would have to be put on hold. Soon after, he made it big playing professional hockey for Calgary Flames, Boston Bruins, Phoenix Coyotes farm system. Throughout these hockey years, his deep seeded passion for fishing, hunting and the great outdoors burned deep inside.
Hockey came to an abrupt end when Lattery blew out his knee in the summer of 2005. What was a big blow at the time enabled Dana’s other passion to resurface, and take the drivers seat. He put his schooling in Veterinarian Medicine on hold and took a job as a custom cabinet builder to give him the freedom to drop work on a dime and go fishing and hunting.
Destroyed by one dream, inspired by another, Lattery jumped headfirst back into the outdoors. The first year without hockey Lattery spent every day of the season on the river, in the bush, or on the side of a mountain feeding his hunger. After many years of fishing and hunting, he was introduced to guiding fishing and waterfowl. Such a natural fit, a job where he is outside everyday sharing his greatest passions with people. Spending over 100 days a year in the river and close to the same in the fields hunting waterfowl, Lattery began to pursue the art of Videography and Photography near the time that he started guiding. His photography has been published in many facets, and just recently he shot a film for IF4 2017 titled Ty’s Flies. He plans to continue flying all around the world in pursuit of catching and capturing his greatest passions Dana is entering his 11 season guiding on the Bow River.