Eric Oram
Pinedale, WY
(307) 367-4131
“Personally and professionally I feel that Hyde Drift Boats are the best for guiding anglers. They offer great space, storage, and comfort. Clients constantly comment about the positive and enjoyable features, such as the leg braces, the triple rod tubes, trash can add on, and many other custom tools that Hyde offers to make our job as guides and fisherman easier. When I am out on the water, I need a boat that is tough- We drive on dirt roads and use undeveloped boat ramps all season- Hyde helps me and my guides do what we love most- focus on FISHING!!
A Wyoming educator, athletic coach and fishing guide for over 16 years, Eric spent all of his guiding years on his home waters of Two Rivers Fishing Company. He loves streamer fishing and is always tying and testing new patterns to fool big fish. Eric enjoys teaching all aspects of fly fishing, fly tying, rod building, rowing a drift boat and catching fish. The biggest catch of Eric’s life is his beautiful wife, Liz, and their three children.