Sharon Lance
Centennial, CO
I love the maneuverability of our Hyde Drift Boat, especially while holding behind rocks.
Sharon’s passion for fly fishing is only eclipsed by her dedication to conservation of cold water fisheries and watershed habitat through her work in Trout Unlimited. Over the last 20 years she has held various positions in TU including president of the Cutthroat Chapter and president of the Colorado TU State Council. She served 8 years on the National TU Board of Trustees.
Sharon’s conservation work has landed her on ESPN’s Trout Unlimited television series, and earned her recognition as a Ford Motor Company’s “RiverKeeper” in Fly Rod & Reel magazine. In 2010 Sharon was the recipient of the Ray Mortensen award, the highest honor for a TU volunteer.
Most recently, Sharon is focused on sustainability through youth education. She founded the River Conservation Fly Fishing Youth Camp in Colorado to introduce high school students to river conservation issues, entomology and fly fishing. She also started the “Trout in the Classroom” program in Colorado, where high school science classes raise trout from eggs then release the fingerlings into local watersheds at the end of the school year.