Tommy Lynch, The Fish Whisperer
Balldwin, MI
You would think after all the different changes in gear and outfitters that I have worked for and through that I would have gone with a different boat by now, but I still haven’t found a company as straight up as Hyde Drift Boats or a boat as sound for the rivers here in Michigan. It is really nice to be able to work with some fellow fishing sponges too: that is a fellow that thinks mostly of fishing and devotes a better part of his or her brain activity to the pursuit of improving what is in fly fishing, or moving into uncharted waters and coming up with new patterns and presentations to enhance what is or what it will be!
Tommy has been a fishing guide for 27 years… And has been rowing a Hyde about 25 years! He has been featured in every magazine out there, and written about in several books. Specializing in BIG FLY approaches for Brown Trout & Steelhead, Tommy is most known for The Drunk & Disorderly Streamer, as well as his NIGHT FISHING practices that are second to none. Guiding upwards of 180 days a year, and fishing for himself another 100… Tommy just fishes. There is no fantasy football, bowling, or hunting… Fly fishing has been a way of life since he could drive a car, and even before. Having fished The Fabled Pere Marquette River since he was 7 years of age, you will not find a person with more days on the water inside of 45 years! Though his home waters of The PM are his mainstay, Tommy guides the entire Northern/Lower Peninsula for Brown Trout & Steelhead on rivers such as The Manistee, Muskegon, Ausable, and even some unmentionable smaller waters that wish to remain anonymous! Whether you’re beginner to advanced, he can make you better. Before someone can become creative with fly fishing, they first must understand it… Awareness of the programs and watersheds are all part of the total package, and there is nobody that has left Tommy’s boat without gaining a Rocky Mountain Skiff full of knowledge. Tommy set his own pace in techniques and timing to engage brown trout, and though there are many that follow his programs… Tommy stays ahead of the curve in all sectors of the game to ensure his clients are getting the most out of each trip. There are plenty of good fisherman out there posing as “Endorsed Guides”, but there are very few GREAT GUIDES… Tommy has never wanted to be anything but, and it shows day after day, or night…